Click here for
R. Sendor's full evaluation, pdf
Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D.
(Psychologist, author; host of the PBS-syndicated TV series, Thinking
"One of the most sophisticated interpretations
of Kabbalah is that
offered by Stan Tenen of the MERU Foundation in [Sharon, Massachusetts
and] San Anselmo, California. Tenen maintains that the Kabbalists
discovered in the ancient languages a schematic for the unfolding of
the universe from unity to multiplicity. This schematic, he maintains,
is isomorphic to ideas that are currently being generated in
contemporary cosmology."
--Quoted from The
Roots of Consciousness: Expanded
Edition, ©1993
Jeffrey Mishlove (Council Oak Books), p. 138.
Abraham, Ph.D.
(Former Chair of Mathematics, UC Santa Cruz; Founder, Visual
Mathematics Institute)
"I have been following Stan's work for two
decades. He has made
crucial discoveries on the history of the alphabet, the deeper levels
of meaning of sacred texts, and the role of mathematics in the history
of consciousness.
. . . In my opinion, he is among the most important students of
Kabbalah of recent times. I cannot recommend his work too highly."
here for Prof. Abraham's full letter, pdf
Louis H. Kauffman,
(Prof. of Mathematics, U. Illinois at Chicago)
"In attempting to unfold the text of Genesis,
Stan Tenen has
created the beginnings of a wonderful geometric language - using real
and deep mathematical structures. The language is a new alphabet, an
alphabet of geometric forms that may solve the riddle of Genesis. The
geometric alphabet is itself not only of great artistic and conceptual
value, but I believe that it will be seen to hold a key for many other
questions in language and science. This project brings together
old and fascinating questions about origins of language and the self
with the rigorous traditions of modern geometric thinking and
mathematical imagination."
here for Prof. Kauffman's full letter, pdf
Kappraff, Ph.D.
(Prof. of Mathematics, NJ Institute of Technology; author of popular
books on mathematics)
"Part I of th[is] book explored, through
number and geometry,
man-made systems of language: systems of music, written language, and
design as they may have been expressed at the threshold of these
momentous changes. . . . [R]emnants of these creative impulses
are to
be found in Kepler's attempts to build a planetary system from the
"harmony of the spheres", Brunes' recreations of the methods by which
ancient temples might have been constructed, Michelangelo's
preservation of the principles of an ancient geometry in the pavements
of the Laurentian Library, and Tenen's description of the creation of
the letters of the Hebrew alphabet."
--From Prof. Kappraff's epilogue to his book, Beyond
Measure: A Guided Tour through Nature, Myth, and Number,
Kappraff (World Scientific Publishers), p. 560. Prof. Kappraff's
is available from Meru Foundation through
Menahem Alexenberg,
(Sculptor, artist, former Chair, Fine Arts Dept., Pratt Institute; MIT
Research Fellow)
"I think [t]his work is an amazing perceptual
leap. It provides a
visual, rather than audial pattern recognition that derives from
contemporary scientific and mathematical thought to illuminate our
understanding and connection to Torah. I believe he is making some
important breakthroughs."