This section of our website is a library of papers, short articles, essays, and other writings by various members of Meru Foundation's Board of Advisors, and other guest artists and scholars whose work may be of interest to readers of this website. Some of these essays are on topics related to Meru Foundation research; some are on the authors' own works. In all cases, copyright belongs to the author of the article, and is noted on the title line.
Comments and queries regarding these papers are welcome. If the author's email address is available, it is listed at the end of each article. Otherwise, Meru Advisors may be contacted through Meru Foundation.
The Klein Bottle and Variants, ©1994 by Nathaniel Hellerstein, Ph.D.
First Published in TORUS, the Journal of the Meru Foundation, Vol.
2, #4, January, 1994
Nathaniel Hellerstein is a mathematician, artist, author,
and teacher; he received his Ph.D. in paradox logic at UC Berkeley in 1984.
Complexified Æther,©1993
by Erol O. Torun.
Published in TORUS, the Journal of the Meru Foundation,
Vol. 2, #3, July 1993
Erol Torun is a physical scientist with Defense Mapping
Agency, who also is studying enigmatic Martian landforms,
and the geometric basis for number systems.
God Good?,©1997
by Isaac Mozeson
From Prof. Mozeson's syndicated column; reprinted
courtesy of the author.
The WORD: The Dictionary that Reveals
the Hebrew Source of English ©1989 Isaac Mozeson
Forward to the book, New York: Shapolsky
Prof. Mozeson is founder of a new
field of historical linguistics that studies Biblical Hebrew roots. Besides
a dictionary ( THE WORD, published by Jason Aronson) and syndicated
column on this topic, Mozeson is on the English faculty of Touro College
and the staff of Kirkus Reviews.
Suprarational Grounds of Rationalism:
and the Criteria of Prophecy, ©1996 by Mark R. Sunwall
Mark R. Sunwall is a researcher
and writer in the fields of comparative religion and the foundations of
philosophical anthropology. He is a research associate at Ryukoku University,Kyoto,
and a faculty member of Hyogo Nursing College, Akashi, Japan.
Way Up, ©1997 by Susan Afterman
Reprinted from The Jerusalem Report, 25 December
Commentary on the Torah portion
of Vayeshev, Genesis 37:1-40:23
Susan Afterman is a poet and architect
living in the Western Galilee.