Meru Foundation eTORUS(tm) Newsletter
Number 37 - 5 December 2006
Copyright 2006 Meru Foundation
Edited by Levanah Tenen FROM THE EDITOR
Yes -- this is the third eTORUS we've sent out in the past week.
<smile> We have several essays and other material that we want to
release, and decided to send out a series of short, frequent
newsletters rather than waiting to produce a long one. I hope you enjoy
these short "tastes" of Meru Research.
If you did *not* receive last week's two eTORUSes -- #35 and #36 --
please let me know. If enough people regularly do not receive our
emails, I'll try sending them via a different ISP. Both of these
eTORUSes are posted at
I also want to remind readers about our new Meru book, THE ALPHABET
GENESIS, which we are issuing in multiple-broadside format. We are
offering the complete set of six greyscale volumes plus one volume of
posters in full color, for $99.95 plus shipping. Details on this and
additional "specials" are posted at,
and Stan's "Author's Preface" is available in our last eTORUS, at .
These are our first formally-bound books, and we want to promote them
as widely as possible. If you want to help us promote "The Alphabet in
Genesis" (via e-lists, blogs, interviews, or other means we haven't
thought of), please contact us -- we want to talk with you. You can
email me at, or call us at 1-781-784-3462 (Boston area).
--Levanah Tenen
Below is the concluding paragraph from "Mirrors in the Mind", by
Giacomo Rizzolatti, Leonardo Fogassi and Vittorio Gallese, published in
Scientific American, Nov. 2006, p. 61 [emphasis added]:
"Only a decade has passed since we published our first
about mirror neurons, and many questions remain to be answered,
including the mirror system’s possible role in language -- one of
humanity’s most sophisticated cognitive skills. The human mirror neuron
system does include Broca’s area, a fundamental language-related
cortical center. And if, as some linguists believe, human communication
first began with facial and hand gestures, then mirror neurons
have played an important role in language evolution. In fact, the
mirror mechanism solves two fundamental communication problems:
parity and direct comprehension. Parity requires that meaning
within the message is the same for the sender as for the recipient.
Direct comprehension means that no previous agreement between
individuals -- on arbitrary symbols, for instance -- is needed for them
to understand each other. The accord is inherent in the neural
organization of both people. Internal mirrors may thus be what allow
John and Mary to connect wordlessly and permit human beings in general
to communicate on multiple levels."
Only an alphabet based on hand-gestures and pointing directions:
-- Comes with natural universal functional and feeling meaning, based
on the universal gestures needed for everyday actions: “. . . no
previous agreement between individuals. . .is needed. . ."
-- Merges form and function seamless, allowing for "direct
-- Produces letters that can be seen in the mind’s eye, and thus can be
used to recall individual feeling-steps in mental exercises. These
exercises can lead to real emotional experience and personal growth.
-- Needs no arbitrary grid, coordinate system, or reference. Hands are
viewed by the wearer from the perspective of their mind’s eye. Gestures
are intrinsic to living in the world e.g., pouring a cup of water.
-- Is culture-independent, technology-independent, and inclusive from
simple to sophisticated, in all cultures. Everyone gestures and points
to the same basic life-things, life-functions, and life-actions. (Meets parity and direct comprehension requirements.)
-- Can be both horizontally and vertically universal:
Horizontally across the 3-D earth plane:
gorillas, elephants, cetacea; E.T. (if any)
All self-aware creatures
All creatures aware of their mortality
Above: in meditation, mental exercises
Here: across the earth plane, universal language; yoga
Below: in abstract math, and for the space in which physics takes
place, and for information theory.
-- Can be designed to define the entire choice-space of an individual
over their life cycle.
-- Can be useful in 3- and 4-dimensions (and in Hilbert space) for both
physics and meditation.
-- Can be based on the hand’s unique position at the intersection of
the physical (world) and the informational (mind) simultaneously. This
reconciles Unity and Wholeness and can reconcile inside and outside;
mind and world; consciousness and physics; and microbiology and
cosmology, as willful choices in our minds and hands.
-- Gestures mediate between physical 3-space and conscious 4-space.
There are more "Platonic” symmetries in 3- and 4-D than in higher
dimensions, consistent with:
(discrete logical structure)
(continuous self-referring process)
Human neurophysiology and learning (see
reference above)
(Yehuda HaLevi)
This is the idea that changed the world: I speak for myself by what I
--Stan Tenen
November 2006
Sharon, MA
Thank you for reading this issue of the Meru Foundation eTORUS
To contact us, please email, write, or call:
Meru Foundation
PO Box 503
Sharon, MA 02067 USA